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AutonoMe combines the power of personalised human support with mobile technology to support neurodiverse people and those with learning disabilities.
hero banner image. Supported employment Learner Strawberry line.

AutonoMe blends human support with smart technology to support primarily neurodiverse people and those with learning disabilities; however, we can also support people with mental health needs and care leavers. Essentially, AutonoMe can be helpful for anyone who needs extra time/support to learn skills relating to employment, daily living, relationships and safety.

AutonoMe is tried and tested, delivering significant benefits to learners and the organisations that support them; NHS Digital and the Local Government Association have verified that our model has delivered a 21 times Social Return on Investment (SROI)

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AutonoMe provides a wrap-around employment programme that can also complement existing employment pathways and programmes to deliver better outcomes. Human support combined with technology accelerates skillĀ development and supports both employees and their employers to overcome barriers; giving them the best chance of gaining and sustaining paid employment.

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person icon in green curved square button.

Independent living skills

AutonoMe blends human support and technology to help neurodiverse people and those with learning disabilities live develop and maintain their independent living skills. Our programme is tailored to the learner's goals and ambitions to help them, over time, achieve their aspirations.

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0117 205 0654