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We apply our core model of human support combined with assistive technology to provide an end-to-end supported employment programme that supports both employees and their employers.

Personalised support from a dedicated Job Coach is enhanced by employment-related instructional videos accessed via the AutonoMe app.  AutonoMe Employment works both as a standalone programme and as a complement to existing employment pathways, programmes and services; delivering better outcomes, more efficiently. With AutonoMe’s 1:1 support and technology; employees develop skills and overcome barriers to gain and sustain paid employment whilst employers gain expert support to increase their diversity and inclusivity alongside greater insight into the needs and abilities of their workforce.



AutonoMe ensures learners develop motivation and resilience for job seeking and are equipped with the practical and social skills required to secure meaningful paid employment.


AutonoMe provides bespoke training and support personalised to the needs of the learner and their employer; creating the right conditions for sustained employment.


AutonoMe monitors learner progress and regularly liaises with both the learner and their employer to ensure any challenges are identified and addressed proactively.

Here's A Story From A Paid Employee

supporting employees at:

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Premier Inn Logo.
airbus logo.
Odeon cinemas logo.
Coventry Transport museum.
Network Rail Logo.
Royal Mail Logo.
EE logo.
Emma our development coordinator with Independent living skills learner. Button shaped image.

The App

The AutonoMe app gives access to tailored video content created by our team of experts; step-by-step instructions on a range of employment skills direct to learners whenever they need them. The app also collects self-reported progress data direct from learners.

The Development Coordinator

An AutonoMe Development Coordinator will work with a learner (remotely or face to face) to co-produce an initial assessment and vocational profile to identify the skills they need to reach their employment aspirations. We will continue to work with the learner and their supporters, including employers, for as long as they need AutonoMe. In this way we can provide a trusted single point of contact for the learner and employer; ensuring communication is effective and expectations are clear.

Emma our development coordinator with Independent living skills learner. Button shaped image.

The Data Dashboard

The AutonoMe data dashboard provides real-time data on learners’ progress and skill development; enabling us to build up an incredibly detailed picture of learner progress and adapt the support as the learner’s ability grows. AutonoMe data can be used to demonstrate individual success and provide evidence to support sustained employment.

Interested in seeing the platform in action?

Contact Us

Let us know if we can help, we’d love to show you how our service works!



0117 205 0654